i am supposed to make a mini bio...
hmmm....i don't like to talk much about myself unless asked. so this was a very hard task. as i sit here trying to think what to write. i start with
"stitching it up since 2000
turning my fabric collection
into a fun and colorful way
to organize your life."
do you know how long that took to think up? practically 8 hours.
and it is not my bio. it is sort of my mission statement.

i grew up as a single child by a single mother.
she wanted a girly girl but i was not having it.
i wanted to play in the mud and hated the "girl" stuff.
my mom often made her own clothing and i hated all the drab boring solids. she tried to teach me how to sew. no such luck. sewing paper was no fun. i'd rather color on it.
fast forward...my friend marc convinces me to take sewing lessons with him. there was no turning back. i discovered all the fun colors! quilting fabric. anything colorful and fun. i had to have it. i collected fabric over the years and refused to cut the fabric. i wanted to enjoy it visually. finally in 2000. i decided to cut it up. i started to make skirts. a girl can only make so many skirts. it went on to quilts. then my love and passion. bags and accessories in that nature.
i love opening my purse to find fun colorful little pouches organizing my madness. 1 pouch to place my travel documents. 1 for my make up. 1 for my feminine products. 1 for my candy and gum and other knick knacks. my lunch bag has them too. 1 to organize my tea, sugar and instant coffee. another for condiments. ketchup packets, etc. the list is non stop.
so why the name? my buddy darwin helped me on that one. i guess i am a girl that can not seem to focus...on anything. i jump from project to project often not finishing anything. i am sad one moment, the other, crazy happy. i get frustrated with sticking to one thing. i want to do it all. or attempt to. hence the moodswings. back then, ADD was not a common diagnosis. otherwise i probably would be known as ADDgrl. HAHA! people ask if i would ever change my name since my name seems so "dark" or unfriendly. i am fine with it. it describes me pretty well. i still get sad when i am unable to finish my tasks and it becomes overwhelming. but crazy happy when things are going right or i find something bright and cheerful. i am only human afterall.
so come along and join me with my travels and sewing ventures??