we decide to do a mini road trip outside the city lines of SF
inverness, ca the yak made me watch the fog and fell in love with the town where the movie took place...
a few cows on our way
we decided to visit the lighthouse... no such luck. the day we decide to go there it is closed. UGH!!!
as i wait for my phone to sync with the new software update...
i was looking through the pictures taken with the phone...so here is a photo update of sorts...
california extreme 2011 i love this game soo much the yak bought me the game!!! woohoo!!! can't wait for it to be hooked up!!!
another amazing pinball game using mirrors and giving this eerie effect during game play
the line was forever to play this game...
a visit to our nations capitol
we arrived late into our hotel room and the restaurant was closed.
front desk informed us that the only food available is the local cvs or delivery. we decided to go to cvs
the stairs in exorcist. adjacent to the stairs is a 76 gas station. LOL
miss alphabet visits SF and i had an opportunity to meet this wonderful gal!!
when i go to a fast food joint and they require a name. no one seems to know how to spell my name. this time i thought i would make it simple and say "lisa" #fail...the girl could not spell lisa...
headed out to stockton for some laser tag fun...
ate at nena's we later found out that there was a shooting at the restaurant a week after we were there.
it was soo hot and humid i couldn't think of taking pictures or anything but i did remember to take pictures of food and hello kitty!
all this food for $4!!!
i got myself some BLING!!!!